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Naming components and hierarchy

The title of the component you export in the default export controls the name shown in the sidebar.

Yields this:

Stories hierarchy without paths


It is also possible to group related components in an expandable interface in order to help with Storybook organization. To do so, use the / as a separator:

Yields this:

Stories hierarchy with paths


By default the top-level grouping will be displayed as a “root” in the UI (the all-caps, non expandable grouping in the screenshot above). If you prefer, you can configure Storybook to not show roots.

We recommend naming components according to the file hierarchy.

Single story hoisting

Stories which have no siblings (i.e. the component has only one story) and which display name exactly matches the component name (last part of title) will be hoisted up to replace their parent component in the sidebar. This means you can have stories files like this:

This will then be visually presented in the sidebar like this:

Stories hierarchy with single story hoisting

Because story exports are automatically "start cased" (myStory becomes "My Story"), your component name should match that. Alternatively you can override the story name using myStory.storyName = '...' to match the component name.

Sorting stories

By default, stories are sorted in the order in which they were imported. This can be overridden by adding storySort to the options parameters in your preview.js file.

The most powerful method of sorting is to provide a function to storySort. Any custom sorting can be achieved with this method.

The storySort can also accept a configuration object.

FieldTypeDescriptionRequiredDefault ValueExample
methodStringTells Storybook in which order the stories are displayedNoStorybook configuration'alphabetical'
orderArrayThe stories to be shown, ordered by supplied nameNoEmpty Array []['Intro', 'Components']
includeNameBooleanInclude story name in sort calculationNofalsetrue
localesStringThe locale required to be displayedNoSystem localeen-US

To sort your stories alphabetically, set method to 'alphabetical' and optionally set the locales string. To sort your stories using a custom list, use the order array; stories that don't match an item in the order list will appear after the items in the list.

The order array can accept a nested array in order to sort 2nd-level story kinds. For example:

Which would result in this story ordering:

  1. Intro and then Intro/* stories
  2. Pages story
  3. Pages/Home and Pages/Home/* stories
  4. Pages/Login and Pages/Login/* stories
  5. Pages/Admin and Pages/Admin/* stories
  6. Pages/* stories
  7. Components and Components/* stories
  8. All other stories

If you want certain categories to sort to the end of the list, you can insert a * into your order array to indicate where "all other stories" should go:

In this example, the WIP category would be displayed at the end of the list.

Note that the order option is independent of the method option; stories are sorted first by the order array and then by either the method: 'alphabetical' or the default configure() import order.

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